My name is Pau (she/her) but everyone calls me Alien.
I write science fiction roleplay and narratives. Also, I write stories about women in space!
I love Free Software and (s)low tech.
I'm a computer engineer who's studying an university grade in art. I really love experimenting with electronic music. Some of my fav tools are Orca and teenage engineering stuff, but I have fun with my drums, the Otomatone and Nanoloop. All my sounds are processed with Audacity.
I love scifi, specially Lem and Ursula K. Le Guin, but I've read Asimov, everything that Philip K.Dick ever wrote, Ray Bradbury and many more.
I love the mountain, my bike, bouldering and the sea, despite the fact I'm terrified of it.
I speak English, Spanish and Japanese.